A Fun Science Adventure: Elephant Toothpaste and Amazing Light Experiments!

Get ready for an exciting science adventure! Recently, the 4th ESO students organized a cool Science event for us, the K5 students. We had a blast making “Elephant Toothpaste” and saw mind-blowing light experiments in the school gym.

We started with a super fun experiment called “Elephant Toothpaste.” The 4th ESO students mixed special ingredients, and guess what happened? It created a huge foamy explosion that looked like toothpaste for elephants! We were amazed by the colors and bubbles. It made us love science even more!

Next, we went to the gym and saw some really cool light experiments. It was like magic!

Our science adventure with the 4th ESO students was a blast! We had so much fun with the Elephant Toothpaste and the amazing light experiments. They made us curious and excited about science. We’re grateful to the 4th ESO students for showing us how cool science can be. We can’t wait for more experiments and discoveries in the future!

Exploring Science and Rainbows with Smarties and Water in K3

Have you ever wondered how colors mix and move? In K3, we recently conducted a science experiment that involved Smarties and water, and we were thrilled with the results. Our aim was to observe how the colours in the Smarties faded and migrated, forming a beautiful rainbow of hues.

To conduct the experiment, we placed Smarties in a circular pattern on a white plate and added a few drops of water. As the water spread, the colors on the Smarties started to dissolve and mix. We observed how the water changed colour as it picked up the pigments from the Smarties, and how the colours migrated from the Smarties to the surrounding water.

We were amazed by how the colors blended and created new shades, just like a rainbow. We even remembered the names of the colors as we watched them dissolve and mix. It was so much fun to see the different colours emerge and change over time.

This experiment was not only entertaining, but it also helped us understand the science behind color mixing and migration. It was a great way to explore science and learn something new while having fun.

Discovering Nature’s Inhabitants: Our School’s Bughotel Project


We’re thrilled to announce that a group of 6th graders recently built in Science a bughotel and hung it up in front of the vegetable gardens of K3, K4 and K5 at our school. They also took the time to explain the concept to their younger peers in K3, K4, and K5. The bughotel was designed to attract a variety of insects, larvae, and caterpillars, and we’re eagerly anticipating the arrival of these new hosts.

The students put a lot of thought and effort into creating this bughotel, and their enthusiasm for learning about nature and its diverse inhabitants is truly inspiring. We believe that hands-on learning experiences like this can help students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them.

We’re excited to see what kinds of creatures will call our bughotel home and look forward to observing and learning from them. Stay tuned for updates on the exciting new guests of our bughotel!



Com esteu? Nosaltres us vam veure moolt bé en la connexió i ens va encantar poder compartir una estoneta amb vosaltres! Esperem que a vosaltres també. Això ens ha donat energia extra per afrontar aquest confinament i sense adonar-nos ja estem a mitjans de setmana! 🙂

Avui volíem proposar-vos alguna cosa diferent i que sabem que us encanta..FAREM SCIENCE!  YEEEES!

Com ja sabeu, en Science, treballem dividits en dos petits grups amb el tutor i tutora i la Connie, la nostra auxiliar de conversa. Treballem de manera interdisciplinar i lúdica la ciència i amb ella el seu vocabulari, tant en anglès com en català, i ho fem a través de l’experimentació i el joc. Algunes de les activitats que feiem a l’escola inclouen: safates d’experimentació (amb diversos materials i estris per treballar les seves propietats), les rampes (on treballem lagravetat la velocitat relacionades amb el pes, grandària, etc), construccions (on observem les diverses posibilitats que ens ofereixen els diferents materials) i petits i senzills experiments cièntifics (on treballem d’una manera més profunda el pensament cièntific: la creació d’hipotesis, comprovació de resultats, etc).

Perquè a casa pugueu continuar fent una miqueta de Science us volíem proposar el següent experiment, que podeu fer amb una mica d’ajuda de les vostres famílies! Esperem que us agradi! I si el feu no dubteu en enviar-nos alguna fotografia o vídeo als vostres tutors! 🙂


Per altra banda, també hem pensat que sería interesant que les famílies tingueu al vostre abast una carpeta, on cada setmana anirem penjant algunes feines, sempre de carácter opcional i voluntari, i mai obligatori ni evaluatiu, per així continuar amb la dinàmica amb la que treballem a classe:

Feines voluntàries EI4

Esperem poder-vos ajudar a portar aquest dies de la millor manera que es pot!

Una abraçada ben forta i cuideu-vos molt!

Albert i Alba.