Ens visita l’Aquàrium de Barcelona

Aquest dilluns, ens van visitar la Coral Hispano, cap de laboratori, i Lucia Carulla, cap dels responsables dels aquaris de l’Aquàrium de Barcelona.

Les dues, ens van explicar quin és el seu treball i també ens van parlar sobre el canvi climàtic. La Coral i la Lucia ens van explicar la cadena tròfica i ens van parlar del zooplàncton, del fitoplàncton i també de l’ós polar.

I és que aquest any participem conjuntament amb l’Aquàrium al concurs “Project Polar Bear contest”. Participen P5, 1r, 2n i 3r de primària.
El concurs treballa la protecció del medi ambient mitjançant la reducció del C02 per evitar el desglaç dels pols. Busca l’eco-consciència dels participants.
Hi participem en aquesta categoria: Community Engagement Through Arts andAdvocacy
(“augmentar la consciència i atreure l’atenció de la societat a través de l’art”).

L’Aquàrium ens dóna suport científic en el nostre projecte i ens ha proporcionat plàncton (fitoplàncton, zooplàncton i plàncton gelatinós-meduses) per poder comprendre millor tot allò que relaciona amb la cadena tròfica en els oceans, mantenir-ho en equilibri, que és el més important
A música estem preparant i practicant una obra de teatre sobre els oceans, però ja us anirem explicant tot el que anirem fent en nostre Project Polar Bear…

ZOOPLANKTON PROJECT: Hatching Brine Shrimp Eggs

At the beginning of November we prepared a sea salt solution and we put two table spoons of brine shrimp cysts into it. Brine shrimps are also called artemias or sea monkeys.
The eggs hatched around 3 days later. Constant aeration was also needed. We will keep you updated about our babies!


After the thirtyminute break, the teachers gathered their classes and all the kids received a participation certificate from the Batxillerat students.
What an exciting experience!
Thank you and Congratulations to everybody!


English Day is being a great success.
Students from Batxillerat are responsible for the activities held in the Kindergarden.
The Batxillerat students are teaching the kids about Halloween through songs, bingo games, colouring and IWB exercises.
The kids are wearing a pumpkin disguise.
Have a look at the pics. The children are having a lot of fun



We put a paper clip on the edge of another paper clip and lowered it gently into a bowl of water. It didn’t sink because surface tension held it afloat. That’s why so many insects are able to walk on water.

How cool!

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Message in a bottle & Sea change Project

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A message in a bottle has arrived today! The bottle will be among us during one week!

We are participating in a nationwide event called MENSAJE EN UNA BOTELLA to raise eco awareness. (www.mensajeenunabotella.info)

In Science K4 and K5 we are making our own jellyfish out of plastic bottles during next week.

But what exactly is this project about?

You can find more info here: mensajeenunabotella.info

During September, October, and November 2017 different bottles of recycled material will travel around Spain with an interesting story inside and a big challenge related to ocean issues. This big challenge can be reached by carrying out smaller challenges that will be available on the event website. The different bottles’ routes will start in different points of Spain, specifically in aquariums that will receive these bottles with a parchment inside. The first participants will pick up the bottles at these points, starting each of the routes across Spain.

The aim is to raise awareness that our actions (both in coastal areas and inland areas) affect the marine environment.

In July we went to the beach to meet two divers from the L’Aquarium of Barcelona and together we recorded this short video, please have a look!