
We put a paper clip on the edge of another paper clip and lowered it gently into a bowl of water. It didn’t sink because surface tension held it afloat. That’s why so many insects are able to walk on water.

How cool!

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Message in a bottle & Sea change Project

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A message in a bottle has arrived today! The bottle will be among us during one week!

We are participating in a nationwide event called MENSAJE EN UNA BOTELLA to raise eco awareness. (

In Science K4 and K5 we are making our own jellyfish out of plastic bottles during next week.

But what exactly is this project about?

You can find more info here:

During September, October, and November 2017 different bottles of recycled material will travel around Spain with an interesting story inside and a big challenge related to ocean issues. This big challenge can be reached by carrying out smaller challenges that will be available on the event website. The different bottles’ routes will start in different points of Spain, specifically in aquariums that will receive these bottles with a parchment inside. The first participants will pick up the bottles at these points, starting each of the routes across Spain.

The aim is to raise awareness that our actions (both in coastal areas and inland areas) affect the marine environment.

In July we went to the beach to meet two divers from the L’Aquarium of Barcelona and together we recorded this short video, please have a look!


In Science we are learning that plankton can be plant-like organisms, called phytoplankton, or animal-like, called zooplankton.

Our zooplankton is quite large and we are able to observe it without magnifying glasses.

Have a look at the pictures! We are observing artemias here!


In our Science class we have been watching anaglyph images!
We have used special red/cyan 3D glasses in order to observe different planets of our solarsystem, images of the moon and many others.
We even have watched some 3D videoclips and have taken a ride on a virtual reality roller coaster. Have a look, we have had so much fun!

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The secret life of zooplankton

In Science K5 we have been learning that inside a drop of water that you might collect from the sea are very tiny organisms. These tiny and often not so small living things are called zooplankton and phytoplankton.
We have living zooplankton in our Science Lab in preschool: mysid crustaceans, artemia (brine shrimps) rotifers and copepods.
We also have been listening to the story: Felipe the Flamingo, that isn’t pink because he does not eat artemia.
Flamingos get their pink colour from their food, the artemia.
One of these days we are going to observe our zooplankton under the microscope!
We are so thrilled!



Més Yoga

Les estrelles continuem amb les activitats de yoga i relaxació. Ja tenim la nostra ampolla de la calma  i un dossier on hi trobareu totes les activitats que anem fent. Anem recordant les diferents postures del yoga que ens ajudaran a tenir una millor postura corporal. En el nostre racó de la calma hi trobem l’ ampolla que ens ajuda a calmar-nos i relaxar-nos en els moments que estem més nerviosos. Esteu fent un bon treball estrelles! Namaste.