It finally happened!

We have been working on the International Polar Bear Project for several months and today in our Science class we’ve received our certificates of participation, stickers, posters and the award!
It finally happened and we are so proud!


Daina-Isard has made a symbolic adoption of a Polar Bear through Polar Bears International Organisation. This will have a lasting effect on protecting and conserving polar bears and their arctic habitat.

Polar Bears International is the world’s leading polar bear conservation group – dedicated to saving polar bears by saving their sea ice habitat. Their focus is on research, education, and action. Thanks to the generosity of their supporters, they are steadily making progress towards their goal of saving polar bears and the sea ice on which they depend by reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.


World Oceans Day, held every June 8th, is the United Nations recognized day of ocean celebration and action to build a movement for ocean conservation. Today in K3 Science we have been celebrating this day too, colouring and watching a short movie about the oceans and their creatures. We haven’t forgotten polarbears either!


Today we’ve been playing with toothpicks to test the surface tension of coloured water. We’ve found out that dipping a soapy toothpick into the water could break the surface tension and our toothpick stars! Have a look at our pictures!


Today in K4 Science we have been listening to a second legend about the Baobab. We have learnt that you can find this tree in Africa and on the island of Madagascar. The story is based on a South African tale about the Baobab. As it looks like if its roots are in the air, people came up with many different stories to explain its strange shape. We also have been clay modelling and colouring Baobabs. Have a look at the pics!