In K3 Science we have made cute polar bear handprints for our Polar Bear Project. Once the prints were dry, we added two dots for eyes and ears, little lines on the tips of what would be the feet and we drew a little mouth and a nose.
Have a look at the outcome.
Les màscares de les emocions
Aquesta setmana els sols estem creant les màscares de l’alegria i de la tristesa.
Mireu què bé que punxem!!
Today is the International Polar Bear Day, a holiday celebrated every February 27 organised by Polar Bears International to raise awareness about the impact of global warming on polar bear population.
In K3 we have celebrated the International Polar Bear Day too. We have watched a short documentary about Polar Bears and their cubs on the National Geographic Channel.
El mes de Gener volem felicitar…..
Imatges que parlen
Aquesta setmana els sols hem jugat a les “Imatges que parlen”. Ens ho hem passat molt bé identificant les expressions de les persones, preguntant-nos el per què poden sentir-les i enganxat-les en un mural segons estaven contents o tristos.