The “botijo”is one of the most interesting bottles or jars ever seen. It’s made of porous clay with the intention of holding and cooling water. Its best claim to fame is that it keeps the water cool under really hot conditions and even better, it never changes the water flavour.
Botijos are ecological and you do not need fridges to cool the water and you can also reduce the plastic waste.
Our carbon footprint is being reduced too.
“Botijos” are an important part of our Polar Bear project 2016/2017!
We’ve started to learn how to drink which is quite challenging and we’ve had so much fun.


Today in our Science class we’ve chopped up some apples and grabbed toothpicks. What could we make? 3D or 2D shapes, a dome, a tower, an animal?
Building apple structures combines design, engineering, and fine motor skills!
We’ve had a lot of fun. Have a look at the outcome!


This term we’ve been learning and practising English through the story THE BALLOON. We’ve had a lot of fun and here are some pictures of some of the activities we’ve been doing.

It’s story time: FATHER CHRISTMAS

Today we’ve watched the story FATHER CHRISTMAS by Raymond Briggs.
We’ve joined Father Christmas getting ready for his busiest day of the year, Christmas Eve preparing
his Christmas deliveries, feeding his reindeer and finally taking flight into the snowy night.

Concave & convex in Science

In Science K4 we investigated spoons. They are like mirrors. The front of the spoon is concave and the back is convex.
We drew ourselves upside down looking at the front of the spoon. Have a look at the pics!


In K5 Science we have built a balloon rocket. We’ve had so much fun! Here are the instructions:
-Thread one end of the string through the straw
-Tie each end of the string between two solid supports such as a chair, table leg or door knob, making sure it is strung tightly.
-Blow up the balloon but do not tie it.
-Holding the opening of the balloon closed with your fingers, tape one side of the balloon to the straw so that it hangs horizontally below the string.
-Get ready for launch and let the end of the balloon go. Watch as the air escapes and sends your balloon rocketing across the string track!

Els Sols i les Piruletes de les emocions

Hola famílies!

Des de l’inici del curs, els sols estem coneixent l’alegria i la tristesa i és per això que hem creat la piruleta de les emocions amb un personatge diferent: una girafa!

Durant els següents dies, els sols aniran portant a casa la seva piruleta de l’alegria i la tristesa per poder jugar a imitar l’emoció.

Aquí teniu una mostra d’un grupet dels sols que avui ha acabat la seva piruleta!

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