After the thirtyminute break, the teachers gathered their classes and all the kids received a participation certificate from the Batxillerat students.
What an exciting experience!
Thank you and Congratulations to everybody!
English Day is being a great success.
Students from Batxillerat are responsible for the activities held in the Kindergarden.
The Batxillerat students are teaching the kids about Halloween through songs, bingo games, colouring and IWB exercises.
The kids are wearing a pumpkin disguise.
Have a look at the pics. The children are having a lot of fun
Voleu veure què fem a robòtica les llunes?
Hem començat el curs fent 3 racons diferents: engranatges, legos i ipad’s. Ens encanta la robòtica!
We put a paper clip on the edge of another paper clip and lowered it gently into a bowl of water. It didn’t sink because surface tension held it afloat. That’s why so many insects are able to walk on water.
How cool!
Racons de matemàtiques
Les llunes treballem les matemàtiques a partir de racons.
Visitem el nou espai “Vitruvi”
Avui les llunes hem visitat l’espai “Vitruvi”. Un nou espai de l’escola destinat a la cultura on podrem gaudir de la lectura, realitzar obres de teatre, cantates… I moltes d’altres coses que anirem descobrint al llarg del curs! La Camil·la ens ha fet una visita i ens ho ha ensenyat tot! Ens encanta aquest nou espai!
These first two weeks of September we have been learning and singing as part of our daily routines and activities held in English.
We are having so much fun and we are doing great!
These are the songs:
Les llunes fem música
Les llunes comencem el curs amb molta música. Toquem instruments i treballem les audicions que trobareu a la maleta de música d’aquest any!
Conte de Montserrat
Per preparar l’excursió de demà, ha vingut la mare del Martí, l’Eva, per explicar-nos la història de la muntanya de Montserrat: Com es va formar, qui hi viu, quins animals podem trobar, quines activitats s’hi poden fer…
Ha estat molt interessant i ja estem preparats per l’excursió que farem demà!
Moltes gràcies!
Does an orange float or sink in water? We began by filling a large bowl of water and placing an orange in the water. The K4 kids discovered that the orange floats. Then we peeled the orange, removing the rind. Next we placed the unpeeled orange in the water and guess what? It started to sink!
The rind of an orange is full of tiny air pockets making it float on the surface!