We have started to analyse with magnifying lenses and under the microscope the growth of organisms on the CDs obtained from the Aquarium.
What did we find?
Filamentous algaes, leaf algaes, hydroids, bristle worms and some barnacles!
So great!


Today we’ve listened to the song ‘Today is Monday’ and we’ve watched the cartoon, too. The catchy tune of this children song gets new life in the picture book and story by Eric Carle. We have had a lot of fun!

Cd disks from the Barcelona Aquarium!

Our school is collaborating with the Barcelona Aquarium in an International School Project called The Virtue Project.

Last Monday, two divers from the Aquarium took out a CD rack that had been placed in seawater for seven months in order to give us some CD disks to study organisms that had grown on them.
Ms. Coral Hispano, the head of the laboratory showed us around and explained to us backstage of the centre.

The Aquarium of Barcelona is the most important marine leisure and education centre in the world concerning the Mediterranean.
A series of 35 tanks, 11,000 animals and 450 different species, an underwater tunnel 80 meters long, six million litres of water and an immense Oceanarium, the only one in Europe make this centre a unique reference!

Una visita inesperada

Aquesta tarda ens ha visitat l’ambaixador dels Reis Mags. Ens hem quedat ben parats quan l’hem vist arribar, però de seguida ens ha captivat amb la seva història dels Reis de l’Orient. Ens ha recordat que cal que ens portem bé, perquè aviat serà la nit de Reis.


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Les Llunes hem començat a preparar els Pastorets. Estem molt emocionats i nerviosos!!! És per això, que us volem presentar un avançament que serveixi com a petit tast perquè aneu fent gana! Us esperem el dijous 17 de desembre per la tarda a la Sala Polivalent d’Educació Infantil!