La Cristina i el Benja, mare i pare de l’Andreu i treballadors del cremallera de Montserrat, ens han vingut a fer una xerrada súper interessant sobre aquest mitjà de transport tan especial.

  • Primer, hem fet un repàs sobre quins transports són més i menys contaminants i perquè.
  • Després, hem comprovat quina és la principal diferència entre un tren convencional i un tren cremallera.
  • Per acabar, ens han explicat quins animals habiten a la muntanya de Montserrat.

Ens ha encantat compartir una estona del matí amb ells, ens han preparat un munt d’activitats manipulatives que ens han permès viure en primera persona tot allò que ens estaven explicant! A més a més. ems han regalat una acreditació molt i molt xula!

Moltes gràcies, família! Hem après un munt de coses sobre els trens i els trens cremallera!

El nostre arbre de Nadal

Aquest any l’arbre de Nadal està creat pels nostres millors moments! Quina passada!!! Ens encanta aquest arbre de Nadal!



We put a paper clip on the edge of another paper clip and lowered it gently into a bowl of water. It didn’t sink because surface tension held it afloat. That’s why so many insects are able to walk on water.

How cool!

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Conte de Montserrat

Per preparar l’excursió de demà, ha vingut la mare del Martí, l’Eva, per explicar-nos la història de la muntanya de Montserrat: Com es va formar, qui hi viu, quins animals podem trobar, quines activitats s’hi poden fer…

Ha estat molt interessant i ja estem preparats per l’excursió que farem demà!

Moltes gràcies!


Does an orange float or sink in water? We began by filling a large bowl of water and placing an orange in the water. The K4 kids discovered that the orange floats. Then we peeled the orange, removing the rind. Next we placed the unpeeled orange in the water and guess what? It started to sink!
The rind of an orange is full of tiny air pockets making it float on the surface!


This week we are meeting the 4th graders in the computer room.
They’ve created games with Scratch about polar bears and their habitat in their ICT class.
Today we’ve had our first get together. We’ve had a lot of fun and we’ve learnt a lot. Polar bears eat seals, factories pollute the air and the ice is melting!


In Science K4 we have become architects for one day. We have built bridges and even gave them names. Building any paper bridge is easy, but building one that can actually support weight is a whole other story.
Have a look at the outcome!


Today we have fed our Californian red worms. They are in charge of composting and they are eating quite a lot of school kitchen waste. Lettuce, tomatoes and carrots are their favourite food but they do not like cabbage at all! Amazing!
Have a look at our vermicomposting box. The worms like hiding and don’t like direct light.
The worms and composting are also part of our Project Polar Bear.


This week in our Science class we built a 3d structure with toothpicks, apples and potatoes. Teamwork was very important to reach our goal. Look at the outcome! We did a great job.